Re-Pay fixation arrears from normal increment date under FR22 B (option given to increment date) 3. Such appointment may be in the normal channel of promotion or otherwise, provided the appointment or promotion is made on fulfillment of the eligibility conditions, as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules.
Promotion fixation Software for SGT, LP Telugu Pandits, SA brief Information, Promotion FR22a( i), FR22B, One Increment, Two Increment Sanction G.Os. Promotion fixation Software for SGT, LP Telugu Pandits,SA brief Information, G.Os and Software. Higher Grade Fixation Software Software In PRCĪP Teachers Promotion fixation software as per PRC 2015, TS Teachers promotion fixation software, FR 22(a) i, FR 22B, Promotion One Increment fixation, Promotion Two Increments fixation, Promotion GOs.